Sustain-ability Services: Your Lawn Alternative
Featured Products
Landscape Consulting and Design
Organic Lawn Fertilizer
Irrigation Efficiency Review
Explore what we offer
Landscape Design and Consulting
Western Colorado is a semi-desert. We provide design services to make the most of your space while using water in the best way possible. Zero-scape is not landscaping, and trees and shrubs not only add color and texture to your space, they also help other species and generate appeal to your property.
We specialize in creating unique spaces that meet your needs and the needs of our environment.
Organic Lawn Care Services
Soil feeds plants and soil health is key to a healthy landscape. Chemical fertilizers, derived from fossil fuels, are commonly used on lawns and gardens. These products do not feed soil, and soils eventually fail, meaning that turf, trees and plants struggle. We call these “Landscapes on Life Support”
We offer organic biological products that promote soil health. By using these products the microbial activity of the soil is supported. Over time the soil will create all the nutrition needed for your plants.
Irrigation Efficiency Services
When lawns and plants struggle, the common response is to give them more water. Frequently lawns and plants are overwatered when the problem could be soil health, soil compaction, or improper watering schedules.
We can review your landscape and watering system and provide solutions to support efficient water use and long term plant health.
Who we are
Sustainability Services works to provide customers with plans, products, and services inspired by nature. We can make your landscape pleasing and sustainable.
John Malloy, as the owner and principle designer, has 15 years of experience with residential and commercial landscape design. He has designed park spaces and roundabouts throughout Montrose, CO.
John brings his background in biological science and botany into all of his designs. We do more than simply fill the space of your yard, we create a functional ecosystem that will benefit you and the species that visit your space.